Do iT yourself!


DOMAiN BASED DOMAiNiNG domainer,. The RaGe! WebsiTeDoiTyourself.iNFO   Say iT BesT with DOMAiNS and EXTENSiONS that Say iT BesT! Free Souls Freeing ALL! UNDER The SUNS LazyFireball.Me DOMAiN BASE.. you. I had mentioned on another post that i had become fascinated with observing things relevant to the SUN. Like, its laser light, bouncing off of, …

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2 prong you too!


Hey hey,. hello. Been watching the SUN pulse rate for ALL its worth – whenever i can, for some time now. I had a view of the SUNS ” pulse  rate ” so it seemed, round the FAR dark edge of the 2% new crescent moon, as seen from at the water crossing that runs along …

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